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Bullying is when somebody gets teased, made fun of, gossiped about or physically harmed. We hear stories all the time about youngsters being bullied. This occurs at school, on the playground as well as for older youngsters – online, which is called cyber bullying. the worst stories about youngsters being bullied end in disaster as well as grief. Bullying can cause low self esteem, thoughts of and, or bring out suicide.
Bullying Leads to Suicide
According to the CDC suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people. roughly 4,400 kids as well as adolescents under the age of 18 dedicate suicide each year. almost 15 percent of high-school trainees have thought about suicide as well as about 7 percent have attempted it. Yale university studies have wrapped up that youngsters that are bullied are between 2 to 9 times much more likely to think about suicide than youngsters that are not bullied. women between the ages of 10 to 14 years old are at a higher danger of suicide according to a research study from Britain. That exact same research study likewise wrapped up that at least half of suicides among young people are associated to bullying. ABC news reported that almost 30 percent of trainees are either bullies or victims of bullying. many of these youngsters stay house from institution since they are scared of being bullied at school.
Why does the united states have a bullying dilemma in our schools? We see anti-bullying messages on t-shirts, bumper stickers, flyers as well as online, yet our youngsters are not getting the message. many bullies have other issues. They either come from damaged homes, are abused, or have gone with a tragic event in their lives. The bullies are the ones that requirement help. This ought to begin within our families.
Love as well as generosity stops Bullying
Over the years the household system has damaged down. half of marriages end in divorce. much more kids are being shuffled with foster houses or increased by grandparents. The ones that are increased by just mother have to discover exactly how to take care of themselves since mother is out working two or three jobs. The benches in our churches are empty. sports is taking a concern over faith. The bullies are not taught about like as well as generosity in their homes. This is likewise a lesson that a great deal of parents should discover too.
Related four essential suggestions for Parenting a Toddler
My household has been personally affected by bullying. Fortunately, we had a pleased ending. This is our story.
From 2010 to 2014 we resided in a little town just outside of Spokane, Washington. The flight terminal was close-by as well as we commonly heard as well as saw airplanes flying over our home. Our community was likewise close to an Air force base. My kids went to institution with youngsters from armed forces families. many of those youngsters moved around a great deal as well as would relocation within a couple of years. My kids made new good friends every year as well as our house was the location to hang out for youngsters in our neighborhood.
My child was surrounded by good friends as well as she was one of the most prominent women in her second grade class. She was in the institution skill show as well as people raved about her performance for months afterwards. Her self esteem as well as spirits were high.
Moving from California to Washington specify as well as the birth of her infant sibling was stressful for my bit girl. This tension turned into stress and anxiety as well as she started to pull her hair out to cope. It started with just her eyelashes. We were able to hide her bare eyelids behind glasses so her peers didn’t notice. She handled her trichotillomania well as well as had a therapist to assist her. She understood she was different however this didn’t stop her from making as well as keeping friends.
In the summertime of 2014 we moved from Washington to Illinois, just outside of Chicago to be better to household as well as so my other half might begin a new job. This is when my daughter’s whole world turned upside down. She had a difficult time adjusting to her new institution in third grade. When she attempted to make good friends the women in her class told her that she couldn’t be their good friend since she was the new girl. They called her weird, gossiped about her as well asأخبرت نساء أخريات بعدم اللعب معها في الملعب. كانت هذه هي المرة الأولى التي تعاني من تعانيها من البلطجة.
ذات الصلة هل أنا أم فقيرة إذا لم أترك الشاب يلعب دور فورنيت؟
بعد بضعة أسابيع جاء طفلي إلى المنزل من مؤسسة بالبكاء. أخبرتني كل شيء عن ما تقوله النساء الأخريات في فصلها وكذلك بالضبط كيف كانوا يعاملونها. ثم ذكرت أنها كرهت نفسها وكذلك ترغب في القفز من نافذة غرفة نومها. ذكرت أنها لا تريد الذهاب إلى المؤسسة مرة أخرى كما كانت ترغب في الموت. لم أفهم ماذا أفعل. كنت حزينة وكذلك الحزن لفتاتي قليلا.
هرعت نصف منزلي من العمل. أطلقنا على خط المعضلة وكذلك أغلق نوافذها حتى لا تتمكن من فتحها. ذهبت في نزهة طويلة معها لمحاولة تهدئتها. شعرت بالرعب بشأن ما قد يحدث لها إذا استمرت البلطجة.
في تلك السنة المؤسسة ، عقدت عددًا من الاجتماعات مع معلمها ، والابتدائي والمساعد الرئيسي. لم يكن لطفلي وقتًا صعبًا في تكوين صداقات جيدة حتى انتقلنا إلى شيكاغو. كانت خائفة أيضًا من محاولة تكوين صداقات.
تواصل مع أطفالك للتوقف عن البلطجة
بعد بضع سنوات من العلاج وكذلك الأدوية التي يقوم بها طفلي بشكل أفضل بكثير الآن. إنها لا تزال تسحب شعرها ، لكن الدواء يساعد في تعزيز ذلك وكذلك الاكتئاب. كنا محظوظين لأنها افتتحت بقدرنا حول التنمر وكذلك حصلنا على المساعدة لها. قدر كبير من الأسر ليست محظوظة.
يفهم الجميع شخصًا كان يعاني من البلطجة. كما يفهم الكثيرون منا شخصًا يعاني من القلق وكذلك أفكار الانتحار بسبب البلطجة. هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكننا بها التواصل مع هؤلاء الشباب قبل اختيار الانتحار كطريقتهم.
ذات الصلة لماذا يجب أن تدوين الآباء؟
في الكتاب الجديد ، “يموت المؤلف في الشكل” ، يناقش المؤلف نورماندي ديكولو سبب تعرض الشباب للتخويف ، بالضبط كيف يتوقفون عن أن يكونوا يعانون وكذلك كيفية تأسيس نظرة إيجابية على الحياة. الكتاب مكتوب للشباب. يتضمن المؤلف رسومات مبتكرة وكذلك اللغة التي يمكن للشباب والمراهقين فهمها.
لقد سررت تمامًا بالرسائل الإيجابية وكذلك المفاهيم لمساعدة الشباب على تحسين احترامهم لذاتهم وكذلك تجنب البلطجة. ما زلت أعتقد أن متطلبات المتسللون بنفس القدر من المساعدة مثل ضحايا البلطجة. لم يتم تعليم هؤلاء الشباب المتعبدين بالضبط كيف يحبون الآخرين ، كن لطيفًا وكذلك إظهار الاحترام. يمكن أن يكتشف المتسللون وكذلك المتخوفون بالضبط كيف يكونون لطيفين مع الآخرين وكذلك مثلهم من خلال القراءة ، “تخويف ، يموت في الشكل”. يجب أن يكون هذا الكتاب في كل مكتبة مؤسسة ، ومكاتب المعالجين ، وكذلك المنازل. إنه يجب أن يتم التحقق من أولياء الأمور والطلاب والمعلمين وكذلك محترفي الصحة العقلية والعافية.
“يمكن أن يموت من أجل الشكل” ، يمكن شراؤه على لاكتشاف المزيد عن المؤلف ، نورماندي بيكولو وكذلك لمزيد من المعلومات حول كتابها ، تفضل بزيارة
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